Making Time

I recently read an article from Thought Catalog about things that people should start making more time for. As I read, I couldn't help but identify with each one. I thought I would share this to all of you and see what you think. (image) 1. Writing things by hand. 2. Savoring time to do nothing. 3. Thinking before responding. 4. Cooking a nice meal just for the sake of doing so. 5. Getting really dressed up for no other reason that just wanting to. 6. Reading hard copy books. 7. Making phone calls to relatives for no other reason than to see how they are doing. 8. Disconnecting from technology frequently enough to not be anxious. 9. Celebrating things with long, multiple course dinners instead of drinking into oblivion. 10. Cleaning because it's satisfying and getting fresh flowers because its therapeutic. 11. Spending time with kids and doing kid things with them. They just know what's up. 12. Answering ...