favorite winter drinks

I have been absolutely addicted to coffee and tea shops. I think there is something so beautiful about chatting with a friend over a warm drink in a coffee shop or making a hot tea whilst blogging in bed. 

I love me some Starbucks, but some of the greatest drinks I have had and my absolute favorites are at the unique, quirky, non-chain shops. These kind of shops are the ones that have funky names for their seasonal beverages, really personable employees, and organic teas galore. They are the kind that give you a mug instead of a cardboard cup. Some of my favorites include Connecticut Muffin in Brooklyn NY, The Root CafĂ© in Cleveland, Drip in Madison, epistrophy in Soho, The Drawing Room in Greenwich, and Carluccio's in Cambridge. 

I also realized whilst thinking about this and deciding to do a blog post about it, that I seem to like to photograph my tea or coffee A LOT. Here are some of the photos I found from the past year:

So anyway, moral/point of this post? I don't really know if there is one. Maybe it is just that I am spending waaaay too much money per week on buying a warm beverage and need to cut down because it certainly adds up. Maybe it is that I think coffee dates are the best kind. Maybe it is that I secretly want to own my own coffee/tea shop and have cute drinks and decor... Either way, I hope you enjoyed! 

What are your favorite places? What drinks have been your go to this winter?


  1. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog !! I really like your blog too !!
    Followed you :)

  2. I'm so glad to see a new post! Pumpkin spice lattes and pomegranate tea are some of my favorites too :)

    Madeline | Ring-a-Round a Rosey | Bloglovin’

    1. Yess!! I have realized this fall/winter how much I adore pumpkin flavored things!

  3. Aww such a cute post! I love all the warm drinks during the cold months--it's one of my favorite parts about winter in general!

    Maggie D. xx


  4. Hey! I tagged you in my latest blog post :) find it at - http://sineaddreamingagain.blogspot.ie/2014/01/the-dmc-tag.html

    1. Ah thank you so much Sinead! I love your tags <3

    2. Hello, I also tagged you to do the DMC tag :)

      DMC Tag

  5. Love the Pumpkin Spice Latte! My current favourite drink is a Vanilla Latte.

    Ray | Obey Ray

    1. yes I just got a vanilla latte a few days ago and it was heavenly!

  6. let's open our own tea shop someday

    1. pls. also own a boat and live in a flat in nyc.

  7. I love tea! Always makes my day so much better :)




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