Monthly Favorites | March & April

Hello everybody! It seems like it has been ages since I did a favorites post. I decided to combine last month with this month, even though it is only half way through April. I have several sections of favorites for you. The first category is Makeup! My current foundation is this Covergirl Clean for Sensitive Skin in Ivory . Now, I actually do not have sensitive skin but I purchased this thinking it might be a good investment for days when I am particularly broken out. It has become my regular foundation now and I have really been liking it :) On top of my foundation, I have been using either my Maybelline Fit Me Concealer or my Smashbox Concealer. I then spray my Urban Decay DeSlick Setting Spray. On top of that, I have my next favorite which is my Nars Pressed Powder in the lightest tone they have, Flesh. On top of that, I put my next favorite - my Bobbi Brown Blush in Pretty Pink . I find this sequence in my daily beauty routine has been giving me great results and I...