The 30 Day Snap

Hello there! My goodness I cannot believe May is almost over.

As June creeps into view, I have decided to join many other bloggers in doing The 30 Day Snap Challenge. The inspiration for this idea has come from the lovely Louise from Sprinkle of Glitter. I absolutely love Louise and think this is such a great idea for the summer. Essentially, I will be documenting the whole month of June with a picture a day which I will post here on my blog. Now, being that I already snap photos quite frequently, I think this challenge will be a fun and easy commitment.

Also, I think this is especially great for college students who are currently missing their friends from school as they spend their summers back home - this assumption is coming from personal experience :( I miss all my lovelies! It will be great for when you reunite to show your friends what was happening on the daily during your summer. So because of this, I wish to tag my beautiful friend Maddie to do this challenge along with me on her blog Ring-A-Round A Rosey

If you are feeling inspired by this idea and wish to partake, I encourage you to visit Louise's blog for a full explanation. Wish me luck and if you are doing it as well, send me links to your pages so I can see what you are up to! 


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