DIY: New Year's Jar

Hello everyone! 
So I saw this idea on Pinterest to start the new year off with an interesting project:
Starting January 1st, take an empty jar and fill it with notes of good things that happen throughout the year. These can be anything from accomplishing goals, memories worth saving, funny moments with friends, surprise gifts, etc. Then, next New Year's Eve, empty it and see all the awesome things that happened that year. 
I am going to give this a whirl and hopefully have the jar over-flowing by next New Year's Eve :)
Do you think you will try this too? 


  1. That is a cool idea! get one thing done at a time.

    Happy New Year!


  2. Such a cool idea! I'm so going to do this! Xx

  3. Great idea :) I'm going to use an empty tissue box, instead just because it's more convenient. :

    1. That's a great idea! Glad you are doing it, Ony!

  4. Replies
    1. I know I can't wait for next New Years haha!

  5. This sounds like a really good idea. I might give it a go. It would be nice o be able to look back on all the little, good things that your forget happened in a year.

    Debi x

    1. Exactly! I think it is a good way to continue to keep things in perspective.

  6. Excellent idea, many of the little things that happen throughout the year that bring happiness and lift the spirit are usually forgotten and this is such a lovely way to put things in perspective and see all the happy things that happened in a year


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